Georgia Student Scholarship Organization


Our purpose is to facilitate the Georgia SSO Scholarship Program to provide educational opportunities that allow Georgia children a school choice learning experience.


Georgia Student Scholarship Organization, Inc. (Georgia SSO) is one of the original and largest non-profit SSOs in the State of Georgia. Georgia SSO allows taxpayers to redirect a portion of their state taxes in exchange for a 100% state tax credit to help improve private school education.

Since 2008, Georgia SSO is proud to have partnered with over 130+ Georgia private schools and have provided more than $82 million dollars in tuition scholarships supporting preK-12th grade.

Georgia SSO’s objective is to provide the State of Georgia taxpayer’s and accredited private schools with a simple, easy way to contribute and process funding to their preferred educational institutions.

Georgia SSO is based in Atlanta, GA and is audited every year and governed by an independent Board of Directors.

President & CEO: David Neyer

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